Od roku 2009
Tým Roboriseit již více než 10 let spolupracuje s učiteli a studenty na poskytování hravých výukových zážitků, které oživují výukové předměty ve třídě a činí učení zábavným a účinným. Tisíce dětí na celém světě studují robotiku podle našich osnov založených na sadách WeDo 2.0 a Mindstorms EV3. Díky našim materiálům získávají dětské týmy stavitelů ceny na soutěžích WRO - od roku 2009. Jsme připraveni se podělit o naše zkušenosti!
We divided curriculums into 4 categories. For the education children from 6 to 9 years old - curriculums based on LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 set. For older children - curriculums based on Mindstorms EV3. These courses are more complex and require more diligence. We also develop curriculums for participating in World Olympiads. There you will find all the necessary information to prepare your team in the best way! And a separate category - Special Projects. It is interesting lessons not included into the courses. They are developed on the WeDo 2.0 and Mindstorm EV3 sets.
At the heart of Roborise-it educational products lies the concept of 4C - learning through action. All our training programs are aimed at obtaining practical knowledge through the solution of interesting, understandable assignments for students. High motivation for learning is achieved through an interactive engineering-game format.
The four phases are:
- Connect: the topic or task is introduced, allowing students to ask clarifying questions and build on their existing knowledge.
- Construct: every task includes a building activity to promote experimentation with collaboration and construct artefacts that can be recalled later.
- Contemplate: students consider what has been learned and share insights with each other.
- Continue: every task ends with a new task that builds on what has just been learned, keeping students motivated and curious.