Upgrade your plan without overpaying!
Good news for all users of Easy Start and Optimal plans! Now you can easily upgrade your plans by simply paying the price difference!
Write to [email protected] your login and specify on which plan you want to upgrade.
Considering your needs, we have improved the system of access to the courses. Now you may easily switch from one tariff plan to another. If you bought one plan you can change it to a more profitable for you with a surcharge.
How to make the transition between the plans is illustrated by an example of the CityBots course:
If you have activated the Easy Start plan, but you wanted to change it to Optimal, then you just pay extra 149 – 69 = 80 USD and get access for two additional months.
If you have activated the Optimal plan, but you wanted to change it to the Education Center, then you just pay extra 349 – 149 = 200 USD and get access to nine additional months.
If you have activated the Easy Start plan, but you wanted to change it to the Education Center, then you just pay extra 349 – 69 = 280 USD and get access to eleven additional months.