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Ці 12 уроків були створені спеціально для вас та ваших допитливих дітей! Ви отримаєте чудову можливість познайомити дітей з апаратними та програмними секретами створення біоморфних роботів. Під час курсу діти навчаться будувати роботів з механізмом ходьби, перетворювати обертальний рух у поступальний рух, збільшувати силу за допомогою важелів, шестерні та ремінних приводів, працювати з датчиками руху та нахилу. І, звичайно, вони зможуть оживити своїх роботів за допомогою захоплюючих програм.

Кожне заняття діти роблять нового робота з певною функціональністю. Ми починаємо з проблеми, яку діти повинні вирішити, використовуючи нові знання, навички, колективну роботу та творчі здібності.

Все, що вам потрібно, це LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 Set 45300 та підключення до Інтернету.


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тривалість уроку 90 хвилин

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Dimetrodon was the most fearsome predator that lived 280 millions years ago. At a length 3 meters, it was built like the modern Komodo dragons, but with the huge "sail" on the back. The remains and fossil tracks were found in the USA and Germany.
These invertebrates inhabited in the damp places about 350 million years ago. They were 2 meters length and most likely ate ferns. The fossils were found in Scotland.
Perhaps it was the largest of all the animals that lived on the land. The fragments of bones found in Argentina made it possible to estimate the weight of the dinosaur in 20 masses of an elephant (up to 100 tons). Its length was 30m, and the egg had a size of the ball for football.
Plesiosaurus inhabited the oceans about 200 million years ago. They had a length 3-5 meters and ate fish and mollusks. However, they were hunted by even more predators. The fossils of skeletons were found on the British Isles and in Germany.
Stegosaurus had a length 9 meters. The bone plates along the back made them look bigger and more fearsome. The fossils of these herbivores were found in the United States and Portugal and have an age of about 150 million years.
The fossils of these flying reptiles have been found in North America. Their wingspan was 7-9 meters. Pteranodon could hunt for fish. The lack of teeth helped to swallow it without difficulty.
Parasaurolophuses were herd herbivores, which inhabited the territory of North America about 76 million years ago. Scientists believe that they care about posterity, and the crest on the head used to make trumpet-like sounds for communication.
Similar to modern dragonflies, Meganeura is not their direct ancestors. These were the biggest and most terrible predators that inhabited the air of the Carboniferous period. Meganeura`s fossils, 12 times larger than dragonflies, were found in Europe.
Triceratopses - herbivorous dinosaurs, similar to a huge rhino. They had a length of 9 meters and weighed about 10 tons. Judging by the traces of the found bones of Triceratopses, their main enemies were the Tyrannosauruses.
Turtles lived alongside the dinosaurs and had huge sizes. These panzer reptiles were so effective that they have survived almost unchanged until today!
Tyrannosaurus had a length of school bus (12m) and a weight of two elephants (up to 12 tons). Unlike the Allosaurus, their jaws allowed to chew even bones of prey. These were the greatest predators of that time in North America.
During the construction of the last exposition, the workers found the remains of the skeleton of an unknown dinosaur. Help scientists understand what this dinosaur was and how it looked!

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Постери та наклейки

Постери та наклейки моделей роботів - з курсу. Після успішного виконання завдань учні отримують наклейку робота і заповнюють свої постери.

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Robotic year with Roborise-it!

Good news for all users we are introducing a new unique offer for schools / educational centers / clubs. We cover the needs of the curriculum for a year providing two packages: "Robotics year WeDo 2.0" and "Robotics year EV3"


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